Monday, May 19, 2014

Erie's Town Fair

 My first time attending a town  fair in U.S.
 The jazz konzert, foods, people,  friends, carnival
 and pranking.
 Hopefully this isn't the last fair  this year.
 Next up?

Left: Marcel Pham
Right: Sean Allen

The hats stand sure caught Sean's eyes.

Beautiful moment caught on camera.


Left: Sean Allen
Right: Joren Froschheuser

Jakob Holshagen, exchange student from Norway!
My only Norwegian friend...DONT LEAVE ME!!!

Victor Caram, exchange student from Brazil.
My only Brazilian friend.

In pink:Louis White
Glasses: Jos Chang

"Sean, open your eyes please" - Marcel's thought


  1. Hey Marci :)
    Beautiful pics, I'm so jealous :D
    I should move to US I think <3
    Ich möchte auch mal zu so einem Fest. Vielleicht nimmst du mich ja mal mit, wenn ich in den USA bin.

    Have a nice day and greets from Germany
    Svenya <3

  2. Hi Marcel,

    Your pictures look so amazing that they make me jealous. You're very talented!:)
    I just remember that I went to an fair this Saturday, too but I was with my mom and bought me two new wristbands. Next time I'll go with my friends. It's more fun and your friends seem to be very nice and funny! They remind me of mine:)

    Hm, should I leave something in German? Yeah, I should.

    Ich hoffe, du hattest viel Spaß, und vielleicht ergibt sich irgendwann die Möglichkeit, gemeinsam auf so etwas zu gehen, und dann können wir lustige Fotos machen >//<

    Have a nice week and a lot of happiness from Germany,
    Kate ^~^ <3

  3. Hey Cousin...
    Sehr schöne Fotos, du bist echt talentiert. ..
    Bin stolz auf dich ;)
